~John Boehner looked at Michele Bachmann and said: "You know,I could throw a $1,000 bill out the window and make somebody very happy."
Michele shrugged her shoulders and answered: "I could throw ten $100 bills and make ten people very happy."
Hearing their exchange,the pilot of the plane said to the co-pilot: "Such big shots back there. I could throw both of them out the window and make 256 million people extremely happy!"~
Pretty funny right? Well, maybe not.
Daily Kos posted a story about Shery Lanford Smith, the chairwoman of the Sumter Tea Party. She posted to her page the following joke. Note the similarities between my joke and hers.
So what makes her joke worse than mine? Because it's about The Presidential couple? Because it's about an African American couple? I think this time Daily Kos is blowing this WAY out of proportion.
She is just parroting the same old joke that's been going around for years...we should save our outrage for real threats there are plenty of them. this is not a credible threat to the first family.