Dear "Tea Party",
So, you folks like to scream that you are "Constitutional Conservatives", and "God fearing Christians". Well that's all fine and dandy, or it would be if there were any truth to those claims. I've been hearing you people claim to love this country and The Constitution for the last three years, and I'm so damned sick of that line of crap. If you loved this nation even a fraction of what you claim to, there is no way you would be doing the crap you're doing. So, you want to know what I'm talking about?
Here's an example of the bull you people spew. I have read and heard you folks rant and rave about President Obama's birth certificate. "He's not an American Citizen! He was born in Kenya!" Sound familiar? Well, let me ask you this... How in the hell would he have even been able to run for the office of President if he wasn't born in this country? Do you actually think that he would have been able to produce a forgery so good that the F.B.I would have been fooled by it? Are you people that damned stupidly ignorant?
Here's another example of your blatant ignorance when it comes to The Constitution. You people are hell bent on making Christian laws the law of the land. THAT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL! The First Amendment states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...". Translation? The Government of the United States shall not officially endorse any religion over another nor shall it hold the nation to one national religion. The Founders of this nation left England because of its national religion in the first place, why in the hell would they want to limit the religious freedoms of the new country they were building? Answer? THEY WOULDN'T!
You people also love to call yourselves Christians. Give me a break! There is NOTHING Christ-like about what you people are trying to do to this country. Tell me, where in the Bible did Jesus turn his back on the least among him? Who was it he threw out of the temples? And what was his stance on taxes? Answers: NEVER, THE RICH, an PAY YOUR TAXES! So, why then are you people doing the opposite of what your supposed God told you to do? This is why I call you people pseudo-Christians.
In closing, you people need to go crawl back into whatever caves you slithered out of, actually read the Bible you claim to live by, and stay the fuck home on election days; you people are too damn clueless to vote.
Mr Liberal

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Amen, Brother.
ReplyDeleteI think I love you.