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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Enough is Enough!!!!

I have tried my best not to go completely off in my blogging, but tonight I'm throwing caution to the wind and saying Fuck It!

For a long time now this country has been assaulted by the religious right and their campaign to turn this Representative Democracy into a total fucking Theocracy. I, as a conscientious American and reader of the Constitution cannot sit by the way-side and stay politely silent any longer.

The First Amendment of The Constitution Of the United States says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...". Pretty damned cut-n-dry. Then why in the fucking hell can't these right wing theological nut jobs just fucking get it? It's not that damn hard. Fifth graders can understand it!

If you're a sci-fi fan you might have seen the film Escape from L.A.. In that movie the country was in the hands of a Life-Term Religious Zealot President who, among other things, out-lawed any religion other than Christianity. The citizenry of the nation who did not follow the religious mandate were either executed or deported. This is the kind of nation that the Tea Party and the rest of the religious right will, with-out-a-doubt, force on this nation should they continue to gain foot hold after foot hold in our political process. Is that the kind of country you want to live in, for your children to grow up in? I should fucking hope not.

"Oh, that's just a movie. That's not real life. That can't happen here."

It's the "It can't happen here" mentality that we had before Oklahoma City and 9/11. It can, and will happen here if we do not rise up as a free nation and put a stop to the forcing of one religion on the people of this entire nation. 

The founders of this country had the wisdom and fore-thought to keep religion and state separate. Those same founders came from a country where religion and state were one in the same, and did NOT want that in this new nation they were building. It was our ancestors who, after years of religious persecution, fled to the North American continent for the express purpose of religious freedom! Why would we, as a nation, want to revert to a time were if you don't follow the state religion you can be jailed or even killed for believing differently?! WE FUCKING WOULDN'T!

Then why in the fuck do most of us just sit by and continue to let it happen? Why is there not more outrage? For Christ sake, what in the holy hell is wrong with this fucking country?! Yes, I'm swearing. Of coarse I'm swearing, I pissed off at the lack of common sense the American people are showing when it comes to religion.

I'm not anti-religion by any means. I'm a Wiccan, I have faith in my religion. But, I do not go against the Rede and force my religious views on others. To do so would cause harm, something I've found all the religions I've studied teaches against; this includes Christianity. So, why then are these Zealots trying to force their extremist views on the rest of us? More importantly, why in the hell is it being allowed? 

If people like Michele "Bat-shit-crazy" Bachmann or Rick "This country needs Christianity" Perry continue to be elected to office after office, including the Presidency, the old proverb will prove true. Those who do not learn from their history are truly doomed to repeat it. But, this time it is the nation as a whole, that will suffer from the forgetfulness of those too blind to see the mistakes of the past.


  1. What a disappointment! I was hoping for an intelligent perspective from someone who deserved our (we the Liberals) respect but i's just a rant peppered with f-bombs. Sounds like a 13 year old wrote it. If you're a stay-at-home dad, I hope you aren't using language like that around the kids.

  2. #1. If you want bunnies and unicorns read some of my other posts.

    #2. Take your judgemental opinions of my personal life and stick them up your ass.

    #3. There was a disclaimer at the beginning of the post, try to pay attention.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Did you get the latest on Floriduh's Billionaire Governor? He and his family are on the State Health Insurance because it is cheaper. Yep, they pay about $400/year for the whole family. But he doesn't want other state employees, like teachers, to have the same rights he wants and uses. Welcome to a truly bizarre state.

  5. Yep,that was definitely a disclaimer.(Yes,I had to go back and check)I cuss like the proverbial sailor(because;Fuck you,that's why) yet, have often been praised for the conduct of both my sons in public.They know that manners are the general rule in so called "polite society", Yet both have the ability to brutalize the English language at will if need be.This freedom to express themselves in the way they deem most fitting to a particular situation makes me one very proud father.
