Last night [August 17, 2011] Daily Kos contributor 'santone' posted a story that Verizon had hired Blackwater/Xe to run their security during the strike. The Verizon Media Relations Executive Director, Bob Varettoni, denied the claim when we contacted him for a statement. He would give no other information.
We also spoke with a spokes person at Communications Workers of America in Washington D.C (CWA) who told us that CWA did not have any information on Verizon hiring Blackwater/Xe and did not and would not give any such information to 'santone'.
This is a blatant falsehood on the part of Daily Kos and 'santone'. This type of journalism is why we on the left are brushed aside when we have facts that the people of this nation need to have. This is the lowest most unprofessional kind of reporting/blogging there is. Reporting such lies as facts is not only unprofessional it is dangerous and can cause all manor of problems when real bloggers or journalists try to gather information so that they can report the facts. This 'santone' blogger is the lowest form of writer. He has taken a lie and presented it to the public as fact in perfect Fox News fashion.
I'm calling on you my readers. I'm calling on you to forward this article to anyone and everyone you know who has or would have read the Daily Kos post. We must inform people that that post is a lie and should be reported as such. We are not Fox News viewers! We actually want the facts!
UPDATE: Since I posted this blog Daily Kos has removed the article in question written by 'santone'. But, if anyone wants a copy for reference, just ask. I saved it to my flash drive.

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I did my best to put the kibash on the thing on Twitter. Thanks again for catching this, Mr. Liberal. And you too, OWL.
ReplyDeleteMr. Liberal,
ReplyDeleteI can't tell you how excited I was today to get an e-mail from someone as full as himself as you are. It is quite the honor.
I love how you can point the finger very quickly, while, at the same time, you commit the same acts you accuse of me. It also appears you have quite the reading deficiency, therefore, I will be responding to you today in small words. Your grammar is also quite terrible. Try using a comma every now and then.
In my article, I very clearly stated, "I have just confirmed with Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 1104 that Blackwater is indeed being contracted by Verizon for security purposes." You, however, decided to contact CWA headquarters in Washington, D.C. Local 1104 is located in New York. Good job with that one.
I love your third paragraph, where you accuse me and the DailyKos of a "blatant falsehood." First of all, the DailyKos has nothing to do with this. Anyone can open an account on the DailyKos and write anything they want. Just like how any asshole can create a blog on, and most do. Next time, try spending a couple of seconds to verify this.
Second of all, I was writing about a PUBLIC STATEMENT made by a CWA Local President, verified by the Local's Secretary-Treasurer. If anyone should be accused of a "blatant falsehood" it should be either Verizon or the CWA. After hearing the public statement, I called the local office to verify. They told me that they were certain that Verizon had contracted Blackwater. That is all I said in my post. "I have just confirmed with Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 1104 that Blackwater is indeed being contracted by Verizon for security purposes." I wrote about a public statement made by a union official and I called them to confirm it.
Third of all, I have been writing for a whole two and a half months. I am not a journalist. I am a teacher. I am a musician. I like to write, and I have a small column on where I can do my part to write about working class families in New Jersey. That does not classify me as a journalist. To classify me as a journalist is an insult to everyone who has dedicated their entire lives to journalism. Reporting such lies as facts is not only unprofessional it is dangerous and can cause all manor of problems when real bloggers or journalists try to gather information so that they can report the facts. Oh wait, you said that already.
You, Mr. Liberal, are the lowest form of writer, taking lies and assumptions presenting it to the public as fact in perfect Fox News fashion. I only wrote about a public statement made by a union local president, whereas you are making assumptions and reporting on lies.
By the way, just so you know for next time, "spokes person" is one word. Feel free to email your next post to me for proofreading before you embarrass yourself yet again.
Your truly,
Tom Santone
"Journalist" and "The lowest form of writer" according to Mr. Liberal
PS: Grow a pair and use your real name, "Mr. Liberal."
Really Tom? You say you got your "facts" from the Locals secretary treasurer? Then perhaps you can tell me why the locals site doesn't have word one about Blackwater/Xe and when I called the Local they referred me to the media spokesperson in D.C.?
ReplyDeleteOh, and if you want to try to act like a journalist and "break" a story, then maybe you should adhere to journalistic ethics and fact check before posting a story that cannot be verified by those who you claim to have the information.
One last thing Tom. When all you can do to refute my factual findings is to correct my spelling and grammar and hurl insults, that proves that you are not a source anyone should take into account when looking for information. You see, unlike you, I research before I post about a story that could cause an upset to the very organisation I back. Namely the CWA.
Oh and Tom, unlike you, I am continuing to investigate this claim you've made. That's what a responsible blogger/journalist would do.
ReplyDeleteI encourage everyone to look up "journalist" and "journalism" on Merriam-Webster. You will see that all of us who are "collecting and editing news for presentation" are "journalists." If Santone doesn't want to be held to the same ethical standards as a journalist, then he needs to get off the playing field...'cause it's a rough game in this political climate.
ReplyDeleteBTW, 5 p.m. refers to EDST, as the time stamp for my comment revealed that your blog is posting according to another time zone. also talked to the local was told something similar to Mr. Santone. The difference is that the unnamed author of the post asked for documentation. Perhaps he or she has more experience in advocacy journalism (or p.r., not sure how you'd define that blog) than Santone.
"The gentleman I spoke to by phone was John Proctor. Prior to this I spoke to CWA Local 1104. They said that they have a credible source of the Blackwater relationship to Verizon. I asked if they could provide proof via pictures etc… They were not able to provide that.
Beth, I received 3 email alerts concerning your comments here, as is what happens when anyone comments, but for some reason I can currently see only two. So it is the last of the two comments I can currently view the I'll respond to.
ReplyDeleteI checked the link. The nameless author says that the Local verified Santones claim that Verizon contracted Blackwater/Xe. But, just like Santone, the author doesn't give any title or name at the Local with which one could verify. However the author does give a name for P.R. firm of Blackwater/Xe. Mr. Proctor of Gibraltar was quoted saying in the that Verizon did not contract with Blackwater/Xe.
So I'm forced to ask again, did Verizon hire Blackwater/Xe? The answer, that can be verified, is still no. So unless something new on this topic breaks, I will not treat Mr. Santone as anything other that the type of person who yells fire in a crowded theater just to see the reaction.