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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Did Verizon Hire Blackwater/Xe for Strike Security? Part 2

As some of you may know, I've been researching  Mr. Santones claim that Verizon hired Blackwater/Xe, and in a previous post gave both Verizon and CWAs denial as evidence against this claim. This morning I recived an email this morning from John Proctor, a spokesman for Gibraltar Associates. Gibraltar Associates is Blackwater/Xe's P.R. firm. I've posted the email below.

Good morning Jeff,

Thank you for reaching out.

Xe has no contract or agreement, nor is the company, or any of its affiliates, doing any work for, or on behalf of Verizon. Further, Xe has not had any contact with Verizon on this or any other matters. The Examiner and Daily Kos stories published this week suggesting otherwise were erroneous. Both have since been retracted.

Let me know if you need any further clarification.

Best regards,


That's three for three. All involved, Blackwater/Xe, Verizon, and C.W.A, have now all denied Mr. Tom Santones claims.

Mr. Santone should be ashamed of himself for spreading such a lie and presenting it as fact, and I hope no one ever using anything he post as any sort of a source again. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Did Verizon Hire Blackwater/Xe for Strike Security?

     Last night [August 17, 2011] Daily Kos contributor 'santone' posted a story that Verizon had hired Blackwater/Xe to run their security during the strike. The Verizon Media Relations Executive Director, Bob Varettoni, denied the claim when we contacted him for a statement. He would give no other information.

     We also spoke with a spokes person at Communications Workers of America in Washington D.C (CWA) who told us that CWA did not have any information on Verizon hiring Blackwater/Xe and did not and would not give any such information to 'santone'. 

     This is a blatant falsehood on the part of Daily Kos and 'santone'. This type of journalism is why we on the left are brushed aside when we have facts that the people of this nation need to have. This is the lowest most unprofessional kind of reporting/blogging there is. Reporting such lies as facts is not only unprofessional it is dangerous and can cause all manor of problems when real bloggers or journalists try to gather information so that they can report the facts. This 'santone' blogger is the lowest form of writer. He has taken a lie and presented it to the public as fact in perfect Fox News fashion.

     I'm calling on you my readers. I'm calling on you to forward this article to anyone and everyone you know who has or would have read the Daily Kos post. We must inform people that that post is a lie and should be reported as such. We are not Fox News viewers! We actually want the facts!

UPDATE: Since I posted this blog Daily Kos has removed the article in question written by 'santone'. But, if anyone wants a copy for reference, just ask. I saved it to my flash drive.  

Sunday, August 14, 2011

When Is a Joke Not a Joke?

~John Boehner looked at Michele Bachmann and said: "You know,I could throw a $1,000 bill out the window and make somebody very happy."

Michele shrugged her shoulders and answered: "I could throw ten $100 bills and make ten people very happy."

Hearing their exchange,the pilot of the plane said to the co-pilot: "Such big shots back there. I could throw both of them out the window and make 256 million people extremely happy!"~

Pretty funny right? Well, maybe not.

Daily Kos posted a story about Shery Lanford Smith, the chairwoman of the Sumter Tea Party. She posted to her page the following joke. Note the similarities between my joke and hers.

So what makes her joke worse than mine? Because it's about The Presidential couple? Because it's about an African American couple? I think this time  Daily Kos is blowing this WAY out of proportion. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Enough is Enough!!!!

I have tried my best not to go completely off in my blogging, but tonight I'm throwing caution to the wind and saying Fuck It!

For a long time now this country has been assaulted by the religious right and their campaign to turn this Representative Democracy into a total fucking Theocracy. I, as a conscientious American and reader of the Constitution cannot sit by the way-side and stay politely silent any longer.

The First Amendment of The Constitution Of the United States says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...". Pretty damned cut-n-dry. Then why in the fucking hell can't these right wing theological nut jobs just fucking get it? It's not that damn hard. Fifth graders can understand it!

If you're a sci-fi fan you might have seen the film Escape from L.A.. In that movie the country was in the hands of a Life-Term Religious Zealot President who, among other things, out-lawed any religion other than Christianity. The citizenry of the nation who did not follow the religious mandate were either executed or deported. This is the kind of nation that the Tea Party and the rest of the religious right will, with-out-a-doubt, force on this nation should they continue to gain foot hold after foot hold in our political process. Is that the kind of country you want to live in, for your children to grow up in? I should fucking hope not.

"Oh, that's just a movie. That's not real life. That can't happen here."

It's the "It can't happen here" mentality that we had before Oklahoma City and 9/11. It can, and will happen here if we do not rise up as a free nation and put a stop to the forcing of one religion on the people of this entire nation. 

The founders of this country had the wisdom and fore-thought to keep religion and state separate. Those same founders came from a country where religion and state were one in the same, and did NOT want that in this new nation they were building. It was our ancestors who, after years of religious persecution, fled to the North American continent for the express purpose of religious freedom! Why would we, as a nation, want to revert to a time were if you don't follow the state religion you can be jailed or even killed for believing differently?! WE FUCKING WOULDN'T!

Then why in the fuck do most of us just sit by and continue to let it happen? Why is there not more outrage? For Christ sake, what in the holy hell is wrong with this fucking country?! Yes, I'm swearing. Of coarse I'm swearing, I pissed off at the lack of common sense the American people are showing when it comes to religion.

I'm not anti-religion by any means. I'm a Wiccan, I have faith in my religion. But, I do not go against the Rede and force my religious views on others. To do so would cause harm, something I've found all the religions I've studied teaches against; this includes Christianity. So, why then are these Zealots trying to force their extremist views on the rest of us? More importantly, why in the hell is it being allowed? 

If people like Michele "Bat-shit-crazy" Bachmann or Rick "This country needs Christianity" Perry continue to be elected to office after office, including the Presidency, the old proverb will prove true. Those who do not learn from their history are truly doomed to repeat it. But, this time it is the nation as a whole, that will suffer from the forgetfulness of those too blind to see the mistakes of the past.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Message To The "Tea Party"

     Dear "Tea Party",

     So, you folks like to scream that you are "Constitutional Conservatives", and "God fearing Christians". Well that's all fine and dandy, or it would be if there were any truth to those claims. I've been hearing you people claim to love this country and The Constitution for the last three years, and I'm so damned sick of that line of crap. If you loved this nation even a fraction of what you claim to, there is no way you would be doing the crap you're doing. So, you want to know what I'm talking about?

     Here's an example of the bull you people spew. I have read and heard you folks rant and rave about President Obama's birth certificate. "He's not an American Citizen! He was born in Kenya!" Sound familiar? Well, let me ask you this... How in the hell would he have even been able to run for the office of President if he wasn't born in this country? Do you actually think that he would have been able to produce a forgery so good that the F.B.I would have been fooled by it? Are you people that damned stupidly ignorant?

     Here's another example of your blatant ignorance when it comes to The Constitution. You people are hell bent on making Christian laws the law of the land. THAT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL! The First Amendment states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...". Translation? The Government of the United States shall not officially endorse any religion over another nor shall it hold the nation to one national religion. The Founders of this nation left England because of its national religion in the first place, why in the hell would they want to limit the religious freedoms of the new country they were building? Answer? THEY WOULDN'T! 

     You people also love to call yourselves Christians. Give me a break! There is NOTHING Christ-like about what you people are trying to do to this country. Tell me, where in the Bible did Jesus turn his back on the least among him? Who was it he threw out of the temples? And what was his stance on taxes? Answers: NEVER, THE RICH, an PAY YOUR TAXES! So, why then are you people doing the opposite of what your supposed God told you to do? This is why I call you people pseudo-Christians.

     In closing, you people need to go crawl back into whatever caves you slithered out of, actually read the Bible you claim to live by, and stay the fuck home on election days; you people are too damn clueless to vote.


Mr Liberal