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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Self Proclaimed Tea Party Member Asks How To Kill The President, Defile His Body

We've all seen signs at Tea Party rallies calling for President Obama to go back to Kenya (though he's proven that he is an American), and calling him Hitler. Some members of the tea Party even go so far as to call the President of the United States of America hateful, harmful, evil derogatory remarks and slurs. Well, now we can officially add death threats to the list of horrid things Tea Party member say.

Greg W. Howard, a Right Wing Blogger, tweeted something extremely hateful and unpatriotic on May 1st. He tweeted,

Greg Howard
Poll. Hang Obama's body from Lady Liberty? Ground Zero? Or grave to be used as outdoor latrine?      

Now, I don't know about you folks, but this looks like a death threat to me. This is how low some members of the Tea Party will go in their unflinching hatred for all things Liberal. I want to know how something like this can even be legally covered by the First Amendment. I thought any threat made to the President, valid or plausible was a federal offence. (Please join me in reporting this wing-nut to the Secret Service)

Mister Greg W. Howard isn't the only Tea Party member going this far; some have gone even further. I posted my first blog on the racism shown in sections of the Tea Party. In that blog I gave a link to The people over at search twitter day and night to show just how sick and twisted some members of the Tea Party can be. This post by Mister Greg W. Howard is just one of the worst.

It's no wonder the Tea Party tries like hell to state they aren't racists, they are afraid that people will come across members like Mister Greg W. Howard, and tarnish their reputation. Don't be fooled folks, this highly un-American sentiment runs deep in the Tea Party. Go to, click on the link below to see this tweet for yourself, just don't by it when the Tea Party claims to be patriotic. It's far from it.

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