I know this is not my typical topic matter, but I am pissed the fuck off!
Today I found out that teeny-bopper Miley Cyrus defiled one of the greatest, if not the greatest song of my generation. The little (insert expletive here) took it upon herself to cover Nirvanas' "Smells Like Teen Spirit". Does she have no respect what-so-ever? That song was the anthem of my teenage years, and finding out that some little bimbo defiled it set me off. I do not wish death upon her, no that would be too nice. Instead, I pray to the Rock Gods and the spirit of Kurt Cobain that whatever is left of her career will soon die, and that she ends up a strung-out crack head/heroin junkie, laying in a gutter suffering the worst detox pains ever.
P.S. And as of today I will no longer say "I have to take a shit". I will instead say "I have to take a miley".

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Gag me. I hadn't heard this. That's terrible.