This morning five well armed federal agents decended on my neighborhood. Why where they here; were they looking for drug dealers, rapists, murderers? No. They were looking for an out of work father of three who had committed none of the above crimes. Why? Why were five armed government agents looking for this stay at home dad? The answer is, because he wasn't born in this country.
Jose, not his real name, is an illegal alien. He came to this country looking for a better life, much the same way some of our great great grandparents did. He doesn't have a Green Card, but neither did our ancestors. This, and this alone, is his only crime.
Jose keeps to himself mostly, spending his time raising three adorable kids who are always laughing. Every other weekend he'll have friends over and spend the afternoon playing mariachi music, and they're pretty damn good.
So why are our tax dollars being spent to hunt down a loving husband and father? It's not like Jose and his family don't pay into the tax system. His wife works for a well known poultry producer in NW Arkansas and pays income taxes, not to mention the sales taxes they pay when the spend that taxed income. So why then is Jose being treated like a criminal?
The reason is sickening and simple; he wasn't born here. And, it is that one fact that scares the hell out of "Real Americans".
People say illegal immigrants steal jobs from those of us who were born here. Bull s***! These hard working people do the jobs that we don't want. They mow our yards, clean our pools, pick our fruit, build our homes, etc. I haven't had a single one of those jobs stolen from me; I don't want them.
So when one of the armed agents asked me where Jose was I answered, "I don't know." It was true enough. I didn't know exactly where Jose was. I just refused to share that with the ICE agent. And if the agents come back and ask me again they'll get the same answer whether I know or not.
"I don't know."
Jose, not his real name, is an illegal alien. He came to this country looking for a better life, much the same way some of our great great grandparents did. He doesn't have a Green Card, but neither did our ancestors. This, and this alone, is his only crime.
Jose keeps to himself mostly, spending his time raising three adorable kids who are always laughing. Every other weekend he'll have friends over and spend the afternoon playing mariachi music, and they're pretty damn good.
So why are our tax dollars being spent to hunt down a loving husband and father? It's not like Jose and his family don't pay into the tax system. His wife works for a well known poultry producer in NW Arkansas and pays income taxes, not to mention the sales taxes they pay when the spend that taxed income. So why then is Jose being treated like a criminal?
The reason is sickening and simple; he wasn't born here. And, it is that one fact that scares the hell out of "Real Americans".
People say illegal immigrants steal jobs from those of us who were born here. Bull s***! These hard working people do the jobs that we don't want. They mow our yards, clean our pools, pick our fruit, build our homes, etc. I haven't had a single one of those jobs stolen from me; I don't want them.
So when one of the armed agents asked me where Jose was I answered, "I don't know." It was true enough. I didn't know exactly where Jose was. I just refused to share that with the ICE agent. And if the agents come back and ask me again they'll get the same answer whether I know or not.
"I don't know."
I completely agree with the premise of this post, but I hazard to say that some of it sounds discriminatory as well. Immigrants contribute to our country in many ways, not just by "doing things we don't want to do."
ReplyDeleteAnd that's quite true, they do. But the loudest and the proudest behind the fight to deport illegals will say they are stealing our jobs and taxing the system first and foremost. That is the argument I believe that is to be made here.
ReplyDeleteSure, there are plenty of people who would mow your lawn and build houses for a nice $20 an hour, few will do it for $6 or maybe $8 if they have worked in the profession long enough. Throw in a drug test and your line of 'legals' will diminish by more than half.