Today the Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel reported that my friend and fellow Blogger, Heather DuBois Bourenane (Monologues of Dissent) and her family received a death threat in the early hours of 11/17/2011. This is proof that the powers that be, and those who blindly follow them, are scared out of their minds. Between the recall efforts being pushed through in Wisconsin by people like Heather and the world-wide Occupy movement, the Fat-Cats and their minions are terrified that they will soon lose control of this country and the government that is supposed to protect it from all enemies, foreign and domestic. They're afraid that their stranglehold on the working class and poor of this nation is slipping away and they are losing their control.
And it is that fear of losing control that is causing them to lash out violently at the sleeping giant they have awakened. They send their police to try and silence us at protests, single individual lackeys make threats against a woman and her children; but these cheap tactics will not stop us. We will continue to push for the recall of criminal politicians, we will continue to protest in every Occupied city. We are all Wisconsin, We are all the 99%.

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