We are standing on a major tipping point in this country. The people have joined together in unison to protest that which is wrong with this country, and our Government is attacking us for it. With the recent injury of a Marine Vet at Occupy Oakland I'm forced to think of all that might now follow.
In my mind I see one of two things happening, and it is the worst of these that I'm going to write about.
If the Occupy Movement for one reason or another turns violent I can see the Corporate owned Republican Party using that to take the White House and keep their seats in Congress. If this happens we will see a full on police state the likes of which we could never imagine. The Patriot Act will most likely be expanded to the point of full on marshal law, and the Constitution will be forever lost. I can see another civil war rise up and send this country to ruin. But the resistance to this new Republican Corporate Theocracy will be cut down and used to make new laws to restricted or even abolish our freedoms all together. I know how this sounds, but if you look at the world and how it is currently moving you can see this as a real possibility.
It is thoughts like this that make me so adamant about keeping the Occupy Movement non-violent. We can ill afford for the Republicans to take full control of our Government. Fore if it happens, the freedoms we are fighting to keep will be all but lost.

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