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Monday, March 26, 2012

Trayvon Martin: The Facts and The Future

     It's been one month since the shooting death of 17 year old Trayvon Martin and police have still not arrested his killer. For some reason George Zimmerman is still walking around free after he brutally murdered the unarmed African American teenager. There is more than enough evidence to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was a case of murder, not one of self defense as claimed by Zimmerman, but yet this man is still walking free. Even a police officer who fires his/her weapon and kills a suspect has their gun taken, is put on desk duty and given a mental evaluation. Zimmerman still has his 9mm and has yet not had a mental evaluation.

   So, lets go over the absolute facts in the case:

  1. Trayvon Martin weighed 110 pounds less than George Zimmerman
  2. Zimmerman was told by the 911 dispatcher not to follow Martin (Listen to the 911 call here)
  3. Martin had a bag of Skittles and a can of ice tea. Zimmerman had a 9mm handgun and an SUV.
  4. Witnesses heard Trayvon cry out for help (See story here)
  5. Zimmerman has a police record, Martin did not. (See more here)
     And there is more and more evidence coming to light that make Zimmerman look more and more guilty. According to ABC News, Police officers corrected a witness when she said she heard Trayvon call out for help and told her she heard Zimmerman. Another witness, Mary Cutcher, said she heard the whole incident occur as it happened right outside her open window. According to, Cutcher heard the entire incident and said, “We heard no fighting, no wrestling, no punching. We heard a boy crying. As soon as the shot went off, it stopped, which tells me it was the child crying..."
     We'll find out next month if Zimmerman will be charged with murder, the Florida state attorney has sent the Trayvon Martin case to a grand jury. The Seminole County grand jury will be called to session on Tuesday, April 10. Let us all hope that the Grand Jury will come back with an indictment and that Zimmerman will be found guilty.


Trayvon Martin 
1995 - 2012

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