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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Andrew Breitbart: Dead and Still an Ass

     People all over the Internet are reacting to the death of one of the right wings favorite poster boys, Andrew Breitbart. Most of his enemies are granting him a pass for all the crap he did and said while alive. This is hypocrisy at it's finest. Just because you buy the farm doesn't grant you a free pass for the evils committed while you where alive. We don't mourn Hitler, Dahmer, or John Wayne Gacy do we? Of course not; so why are we so forgiving of Breitbart? All this man did while living was help to destroy this country from the inside. This man was just shy of a terrorist as far as I am concerned and does not deserve my respect anymore now than he did while he was alive.

     So to all of you out there who are now acting like Breitbart was some great man now that he's dead, I say this: Breitbart was a piece of shit when he was alive and now he's a dead piece of shit, end of story.

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