I'll grant you that on the surface Ron Paul's Libertarian ideas sound pretty good. Cutting spending, ending the T.S.A, ending American involvement in war, legalizing drugs. But, when you look closer at what Ron Paul wants to do to this country you can see that though he touts freedom, we will lose even more.
Let's start with abortion.
Right now a woman has the freedom to chose whether or not to carry an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy through to birth or to end one. Under a President Paul we would see this freedom in the most danger it has ever been in. Paul plans to work to overturn Roe v. Wade and institute a "Sanctity of Life Act", stating that life begins at conception. This "Act" is, in and of itself, a dangerous idea, even more so if Roe v. Wade were to be overturned as Paul states he will fight to do. Conception is defined medically as follows,
"Conception: 1. The union of the sperm and the ovum. Synonymous with fertilization."
This is the notion that most pro-life people love to tout, but what you may not know is that there are two steps to conception. The second being that the fertilized egg must then implant into the wall of the uterus. This takes around four weeks to occur, and in some cases it does not even happen at all naturally. This "Sanctity of Life Act" would in essence make the Plan B pill illegal, thus forcing a woman to carry an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy to term with Paul having Roe v. Wade overturned. This "Act" is not a medically based law, but it is a religious law. And as a religious law, it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Good bye freedom number one.
Now let us move on to Paul's stance on Healthcare.
Being a Medical Doctor one would think a President Paul would want all Americans to have the right to obtain healthcare. Wrong! As President, Paul would fight to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare for those of you who only get your info from the mainstream media). Although not perfect, P.P.A.C.A makes it easier for Americans to obtain health insurance. Depending on your income level, you will enter into 'pool' that will determine how much assistance you need in buying a health policy. Sounds complicated doesn't it? What that means is the less money you make, the more help with healthcare you get. Now because this new system makes it easier for every American to have health coverage you really don't have a reason not to get it any more. But, for those who don't get health coverage there will be a tax increase to offset the extra tax money used to pay for the times when you need healthcare.
Other blessings of PPACA are that you will no longer be able to be denied health insurance due to a pre-existing condition and that insurance companies must use 80-85% of premium payment for actual medical costs. As President, Ron Paul would do away with this entirely, leaving us in pretty much the same place we are now, but with the same tax breaks PPACA provides.

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