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Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Dogs of War

For decades the American Government has been in the back pocket of who ever has had the most money. E.P.A regulations that are supposed to keep us safe from toxic pollutants have been ignored and in some cases overturned. Our borders have been opened to let big business send American jobs out, but closed to letting people in. For years we have allowed this and other crimes against the American people to happen unchecked. Only recently has the sleeping giant awakened, and the powers that be are scared.

It is the fear of those in power that brings me to speak of a fear that has haunted me since I was a teenager. A fear that war will once again find itself on our shores. I'm not talking about terrorist attacks, I'm talking all out war. We've seen a taste of this possibility in NYC, Oakland and other cities during attacks on Occupy protesters. In these instances we saw in YouTube videos and camera phone pictures showing the use of pure brutality against peaceful protesters expressing their First Amendments rights. What might happen when the powers that be realize that we are not just going to go away; that we refuse to be silent again?

I would not put it past our corrupt, bought-and-paid-for-decades-ago government to continue to do the bidding of their corporate owners and use full-on military force to turn a nation built on freedom into a total police state. Just look at some of the bills being sent through Congress right now. Senate Bill 1867 (S. 1867) is a prime example of the lengths that the powers that be will go to to keep us in line if we try to exercise our rights. 

My fear is that if legislation like this passes and is put into law, the once sleeping giant that is the American people will fight back and another Civil War will once again tear this country apart. It is up to us, the American people, to shine the light of day on shady corrupt actions. We are the new media, we are the new watchdogs of democracy. It is up to us.

Yet, should this fear come true and war break out across the country, we will have a choice to make. Do we fight on the front lines or do we support those that do in anyway we can? Everyone must make their own decisions. Fore if we choose to allow such actions to go unchecked such as S.1867, war will be a very possible consequence.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dear Lt. John Pike, This One's For You.

We all know who you are, Lt. John Pike, thanks to YouTube videos like this and pictures like this

Well Lt. Pike seeing as how your actions were UNCALLED FOR, evil, and ridiculous as hell I though I'd share that point through the art of Meme. So here you go Johnny boy.

You see how stupid and evil you were now? And doing that after the U.C. Davis Occupiers fed you? There's a special place in Hell for creeps like you Johnny, and it's right next to Hitler!

Friday, November 18, 2011

It Does Get Better

          Hey you. Yeah you with the gun to your head, the knife at your wrist. Step back for a minute and listen. I know what you're going through. No, I'm not gay, but I do know what it's like to be tortured by others for the way you were born. How? I'll tell you.

          I was already an outcast before puberty kicked in, but when my body changed my being different was visibly noticeable. I was the only 13 year old boy with breasts. No, I'm not a hermaphrodite, I was just born with breasts. Changing for gym class was a living hell that I didn't think I could survive until high school graduation. Just going to school made me physically ill. Every day I would have to face being called "fag", "homo", "hermaphrodite", and the most constant "tits mcgee". I would be chased home from school, have rocks thrown at me, and even had my books stolen from me and thrown into a water filled pothole in an alley. The school did nothing to protect me. In one instance after being sucker punched in the stairwell I was the one who got sent to in-school suspension for "instigating" the "fight". So yeah, I know what it's like to tortured for being born different.

          But, I never gave up. Oh I wanted to, believe me. I even had several different plans on how I was going to take my own life, but I didn't try any of them. It wasn't until my junior year of high school that I stopped being the victim; although I went about it the wrong way. It wasn't until I left school that I came to the true realization that those who had made my life hell for all those years were not going to define the man I would become. So here I am 16 years later, and I have a family full of people who care about me for who I am, breasts and all. Every now and then some ignorant jerk will say something stupid, but I just look at them and laugh, because I refuse to let the small minded people in this world tear me down.

          It will get better. Your lives will not be defined by the small minded people you're dealing with now, and one day you will look back and pity them. You will have the last laugh when you look around you and see those who love you and not those who never took the time to even get to know you. It really does get better.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Fat-Cats are Afraid. Very Afraid.

Today the Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel reported that my friend and fellow Blogger, Heather DuBois Bourenane (Monologues of Dissent) and her family received a death threat in the early hours of 11/17/2011. This is proof that the powers that be, and those who blindly follow them, are scared out of their minds. Between the recall efforts being pushed through in Wisconsin by people like Heather and the world-wide Occupy movement, the Fat-Cats and their minions are terrified that they will soon lose control of this country and the government that is supposed to protect it from all enemies, foreign and domestic. They're afraid that their stranglehold on the working class and poor of this nation is slipping away and they are losing their control.

And it is that fear of losing control that is causing them to lash out violently at the sleeping giant they have awakened. They send their police to try and silence us at protests, single individual lackeys make threats against a woman and her children; but these cheap tactics will not stop us. We will continue to push for the recall of criminal politicians, we will continue to protest in every Occupied city. We are all Wisconsin, We are all the 99%.