We, as a nation, have for the past thirty plus years allowed those with money turn our once great nation into a cesspool of greed and selfishness. I know why we let it happen. After the sixties we lost our willingness to stand up and challenge that which is morally and socially wrong. Basically, we forgot how to be Americans. So in our rut, we sat back and allowed ourselves to be ruled by those with money enough to buy those we voted into power. We believed Regan when he told us 'trickle down economics' would stimulate the economy and create jobs. We bought that line for thirty years and allowed the fat-cat controlled government pass tragedies like N.A.F.T.A and the like and 'thought' things would get better.
We now have seen the error of our ways. Almost two weeks ago the people began to speak again, began to act. Occupy Wall Street has not only grown on the streets of NYC, but has now spread like wildfire across the whole of the nation. And this is only the beginning...

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