Answer? It didn't. Christianity is only one of many religions in this country, and I'm sorry if this pisses any of you off, but it is far from the one that we should be basing our laws on. The faith of Christianity is fed and lead by an ancient religious book, the Bible. The Bible is full of all kinds of really sick and twisted stories. I'd rather have Stephen King books as the basis for our laws over the Bible.
Now I don't hate the Bible nor do I hate Christianity, but some of the things some so-called Christians are spouting off with these days scares the hell out of me. These are the same people who claim to be Pro-Life, yet will shoot and kill an abortion doctor all while clad in a t-shirt that reads "God-Guns-Family". So excuse me if I have a problem with calling my country an Christian nation.
Honestly, I don't want anyones religion holding sway over the laws that govern this nation, not even my own. I love Wicca, it has done wonders for me spiritually. But, I would not be so arrogant as to force my faith on others in the way of Federal or even State Law. It comes down to this; what is good for one is not good for all. The sooner the political/religious right get this through their collective heads, the sooner we can get this country back on its feet again.
We have a separation of Church and State for this reason, and I for one want to keep it that way.