This country is full of "I"s and "me"s.
The problem doesn't lie in the form of government we have. The problem is the damn peoplel. People are so concerned with their own petty bullshit and that new car they think they need, that they don't care about what will and has happened to the country as a result of their selfishness. As a whole, the American people could give a shit less what happens to some kid in NYC as long as they have what they want. People don't see that there is a need for social minded actions. If only the top 1% succeed & the rest of us fall, we all fail.
It's our "mine mine mine" attitudes that have let our government become the corrupt sewer that it has. We have relied too much on capitalism and look where it has gotten us. Our people are becoming citizens of a third world nation in the richest nation on the planet.
Are we so blinded by our greed and petty worries that as a nation we have let the worst of us rule the rest of us? Face it, we all drank the corporate Kool-Aid; & now that we realize what our country has become its too late. We're screwed. Game fucking over, we lost.
We, as a nation, have let our greed blind us for far too long. We could have stopped it, but we wouldn't put the god damned remote down long enough to see what was happening. So yea, we can bitch and we can try to make little changes, but it's moot. Its not really going to matter much what we do because we let it get out of our hands in the fucking first place.
I'm not saying "Just roll over and die.". I'm not saying give up. I'm saying it's going to take more than just a few of us. Its going to take all 99% of us have nots to band together to take this nation away from the Kochs and the Waltons & return it to "We the people".

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Saturday, April 30, 2011
What's Wrong With This Country is That...
Is the Tea Party Full of Racists?
Many people in the Republican and Tea Party will tell you that racist are few and far between inside their organisations. Well, thats a big steaming load of bull shit! If you watch the news (Fox News is not news), you've probably seen a few of their state politicians caught saying some really nasty shit. Well, its not just the people that are elected that are spouting this racist shit. At you can see for yourself just how many of these teabaggers have a racist streak a country mile wide. I'd quote a few, but to be honest, even I'm not that vulgar.
Until next time my friends.
Until next time my friends.
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